Sunday, July 22, 2012

All About Basil!

There are all different kinds of basil to grow and use!  In my opinion, one can never grow enough basil!  I like to buy a few plants just to get a head start after the last frost date has past.  Basil is very easy to grow from seed and look beautiful scattered throughout all vegetable and flower beds.  Here are just a few I am growing in my garden.  Check out my absolute favorite 'fresh mixed basil pesto' recipe too and the different ways I use it!

 This is Purple Basil.  It has a more floral flavor and is just lovey!

 Tai Basil has a more spicy flavor and is often used in Asian dishes.  I love to use the flowers in cooking too!

 Lemon Basil is one of my all time favorite herbs!  It's scent and flavor are heavenly!  The leaves are a softer grayish green and truly smells of lemon!

This is Sweet Basil and is what is sold normally in grocery stores.  Be sure to pick off any of the flowers to encourage more growth!  You can also try growing cinnamon basil too!  Wonderful!

When collecting basil from your plants be sure to leave 1/3 of the plant left.  Cutting basil will also help to encourage more growth, but not if too much is taken off.  The plant could go into shock and die.  Go down to the first or second shoot of leaves along the main stem.  Cut about 1/4 inch above the main stem where it begins to branch out.  The other leaves will start to grow and take over as you can see in the picture.  

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