Saturday, April 28, 2012

Baby chicks moved out of the house!

The babies moved out into the coop this past week.  I have kept them separate from the big girls during the day and in the coop at night.  All their feathers are in, so tonight I will be sneaking them up onto the roost bars without the light and inside with the others after they have gone in for the night.  When they wake up, hopefully the big girls think "oh, that's weird, they must have been there this entire time and I just noticed".  Silly Chickens!  In the morning I'll be outside just before sun up to see how they interact with the big girls.  If there is any brutal pecking I'll be quick to separate them again and try tomorrow.  If you introduce new chicks to an older flock it's very important to offer an escape area or box with food and water in case the big girls refuse to let them share their water and food for a few weeks.  I'll be sure to keep you posted!

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