Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My First Bee Inspection!

I went out yesterday before the storm came in to check on the bees.  As you can see they are busy building comb on the frames preparing for the queen to lay her eggs.  They are still docile at this point and don't necessarily need to be smoked.  In fact when I took this picture I didn't even have my suit on!  It's only when they know they have lots of honey is when they get a little more territorial.  They have started working 6 out of the 10 frames.  As they start to fill them more and more, I will put on another box called the upper deep.  This is where they will store their food for the winter.  If that one gets filled, I will have a 3rd one put on and that will be honey for me at the end of the season.  As I pulled each one out at a time to check for signs of the queen (brood) I saw many white capped combs filled with larva ready to soon be born and get to work. I didn't see the queen, but saw evidence that she was there.  I have 2 frames literally glued together by propolis and will have my mentor come to help me check again next week.  More photos to come!

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